Skiing Tips For Beginners


Here are a few tips for first-time skiers to help enjoy the sensation as much as possible.


People obviously know that snow is slippery, but they do not realise to what extent this can be. Trying to balance while sliding down a mountain as fast as a motorcycle is more complicated than it looks like. You need to find a stance that is both comfortable as well as stable on the move.

Dress Code

Snow is cold, obviously, so it is essential to keep warm. It is a good idea to check the weather forecast every morning before getting dressed to make sure that you can keep warm and actually see while skiing and not be caught in a fog. Wear sunglasses if it is too bright and goggles for the shade/cloud.

Dress Code

Try not to wear cotton underlayer because you can get cold very fast. Wear a thermal layer close to the skin. Use a number of layers of cloth, not just big jumpers, as it helps keep warm much better. Only wear one pair of socks because more than one can actually have the opposite effect. Make sure that the outside layer is waterproof, particularly the bottom half. Make sure that there is a lot of pocket space. This can help take off layers when it gets hot and carry extra ones if the temperature reduces suddenly.

Protect the skin

The snow, being white, reflects the sunrays a lot which can lead to a secondary sunburn. It might be great for tanning, but the extent to which this can have an effect on the skin is much higher than expected, so do not forget to pack a lot of sunscreens. Some sunscreens even coat the skin in a protective layer, which stops cold and windburn too.

Run/trail colour coding

Run/trail colour coding

All tracks are given a colour code reflecting their difficulty. Green slopes are the easiest to ski, which is followed by red, blue and black, black being the most difficult. Ski with caution and do not dive in the deep end in the morning or late afternoon.


Accidents are a real possibility in any sport, and skiing is no exception. So make sure that you get travel insurance which covers winter sports as well.


It is recommended to rent skis and boots and borrow the rest from friends and family members for first-timers because skiing equipment is painfully expensive. Therefore, it is better to try the sport and make sure you enjoy it before buying the latest stuff.



All rental shops probably have skis that suit everyone’s ability, but height is the key factor here. Ensure that the skis are twenty to thirty centimetres shorter than your height since shorter skis are easier to manoeuvre. If the front of the skis keeps crossing while skiing, take them back to the rental shop and ask for shorter ones.

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